
Washington Street: permission to consult on changes to refuse collections

Date of Meeting:

16 November 2021

Report of:

Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture

Contact Officer:


Lynsay Cook


01273 292448



Ward(s) affected:

Hanover & Elm Grove






1.1         This report outlines some concerns about the current refuse arrangements in Washington Street. Following meetings between ward councillors, Cityclean managers and residents, it was agreed to bring a report to Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee to seek permission to complete a public consultation to determine the way forward.


2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1         That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approves for a consultation to take place with the residents of Washington Street to determine whether to remain with communal refuse bins, or move to refuse wheelie bins, pending a wider piece of work as part of the Modernisation Programme.




3.1         In October 2012, Environment & Sustainability Committee were asked to approve a consultation on communal refuse collection in Hanover, Elm Grove and The Triangle Areas. The results were reported to the committee in February 2013 and Members were asked to note the outcome of the consultation in the Hanover area which was inconclusive. It was agreed for this scheme to be brought to a later committee meeting pending the outcome of a public meeting.


3.2         The February 2013 report also stated Communal refuse containment has been trialled on small scale in Coleman Street and Washington Street in Hanover and in Park Crescent Road in The Triangle. The trials, which were established with the help of the Hanover LAT and The Triangle LAT, have been in place for approximately a year and informal feedback has been positive.


3.3         In March 2013, committee agreed to note the outcomes of the further consultation and agree not to proceed with communal collections in Hanover at this stage. The report also stated communal containers are in place in Washington Street and Coleman Street as part of a trial. Residents in these streets will be written to and asked whether they want to retain the bins or revert back to black sack collections. Communal refuse bins have been in place since.


3.4         Since this time, Cityclean has added additional 1100 litre refuse bins and increased collections to six times a week, as residents across Hanover use these bins, even though they are only for the residents of Washington Street. They are regularly fly-tipped and overflowing. This causes distress and frustration for residents whose homes are near the bins, as well as the wider community.


3.5         Ward councillors and Cityclean managers have met with some residents of Washington Street as the problems are increasing. Therefore, Cityclean wishes to undertake a consultation with the residents of Washington Street to determine how residents would like to manage their refuse. The results of the consultation will be brought to a future committee to decide the way forward.


3.6         As part of the City Environment Modernisation Programme, containment across the city is being reviewed. Therefore, any future decision taken by committee will be a temporary solution pending a more strategic approach to waste containment and management across the wider Hanover & Elm Grove area (as well as the rest of the city).




4.1         Residents are currently served by communal refuse bins. An alternative option is refuse wheelie bins. The consultation is seeking residents’ views on the preferred approach, pending a strategic review. The results of the consultation will be brought to a future committee to decide the way forward.




5.1         If approved, the consultation will inform the next stages for this work.


5.2         Residents are organising a petition on this matter.


6.         CONCLUSION


6.1         There are ongoing issues with the current refuse collection arrangements on Washington Street. It is recommended a consultation takes place with residents to identify their preferred way forward, pending a strategic review of waste management in the area.




Financial Implications:


7.1         There are no direct financial implications from the recommendations of this report. Costs associated with the consultation of Washington Street residents regarding refuse management will be contained within existing City Clean Budgets. This will be monitored and reported as part of TBM (Targeting Budget Monitoring) process.


            Finance Officer Consulted: John Lack                                         Date: 14/10/2021




Legal Implications:


7.2         The Council, as waste collection authority, and subject to limited exceptions, has a duty under s45 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to arrange for the collection of household waste. The decision as to the type of receptacle required for the collection of such waste is that of the waste collection authority (s46 of the 1990 Act). There is no statutory requirement to consult on the type of receptacle that would be appropriate, but when consultation has taken place conscientious consideration must be given to the consultation responses before a decision is made.


            Lawyer Consulted: Hilary Woodward                                           Date: 22/10/2021


            Equalities Implications:


7.3         The results of the consultation will be brought to a future committee to decide the way forward. Whether the collection method is communal or wheelie bins, assisted collections are available to those unable to present their refuse for collection.










Background Documents


1.            Report to Environment & Sustainability Committee (October 2012): Permission to Consult on Communal Refuse Collection in Hanover, Elm Grove and The Triangle Areas

2.            Report to Environment & Sustainability Committee (February 2013): Communal Refuse Collection in Hanover, Elm Grove and The Triangle Areas

3.            Report to Environment & Sustainability Committee (March 2013): Communal Refuse Collection in Hanover, Elm Grove